Case Study: Client John went from Knee Pain to Running 5Ks

After three knee surgeries from a torn ACL and meniscus, and a decade of physical therapy that didn’t get rid of his knee pain, John found me.

If you’ve ever broken a bone or had an injury, you know that pain can consume all your attention. Prior to training with me, John couldn’t go to work without feeling pain. And the pain made him more moody at work and the 18-hour days difficult to say the least. He also couldn’t play basketball without pain and had to stop playing to prevent further injury.

However, after even a couple of weeks of training with me, he noticed his chronic knee pain decreased tremendously. He can work more and longer hours now. He only experiences that same knee pain when working 18-hour days in dress shoes. No more chronic pain!

John has been training with me for a year now and we’ve moved from reducing pain to increasing mobility and strength.

Here’s what John can do again now after rehabbing his knees:

·      Run

·      Spartan races

·      Road races

·      Play basketball

He’s finding joy in being able to do his favorite activities again! He noticed he’s happier, in a better overall mood, and his quality of life has enhanced! John’s baseline level of strength, mobility, and health has increased. And he says he’s just getting started!

Hear from John himself, here.

If you want to schedule a free consult to inquire about 1:1 training, click here to get on my calendar.


Prevent Overuse Injuries: Balance Strength and Recovery